When two parties enter into a contract, they agree to certain terms and conditions that outline their obligations to each other. However, there may come a time when one party wishes to end or discharge the contract before it reaches its natural conclusion. When this occurs, certain legal effects come into play that both parties must be aware of.

The discharge of a contract results in the termination of the parties` obligations under the agreement. Essentially, it means that both parties are released from their duties and the contract ceases to exist. Different methods can be used to discharge a contract, and the choice of method depends on the circumstances surrounding the termination.

One way to discharge a contract is by performance. This means when both parties perform their obligations under the contract as agreed. Once all obligations have been satisfied, the contract is considered discharged, and both parties are released from their obligations.

Another way to discharge a contract is through mutual agreement. This usually occurs when the parties involved agree to terminate the contract by mutual consent. In such a situation, the parties may negotiate the terms of their agreement and the conditions under which the contract can end.

A contract can also be discharged through breach. This occurs when one party fails to perform their obligations under the agreement, resulting in a breach of contract. In such a situation, the innocent party may choose to terminate the contract and seek damages for any losses incurred.

Finally, a contract can be discharged by frustration. This happens when unforeseeable events make it impossible to fulfil the contract`s obligations. In such a situation, the parties are released from their obligations under the contract.

The legal effect of the discharge of a contract is often determined by the terms of the agreement. If the contract outlines the conditions under which the parties may terminate the contract, these conditions will govern the legal effect of the discharge. If, however, the contract is silent on the issue of discharge, common law principles may come into play.

In conclusion, the discharge of a contract results in the termination of the parties` obligations under the agreement. The choice of method used to discharge the contract depends on the specific circumstances surrounding the termination. Understanding the legal effect of the discharge of a contract is crucial for both parties to ensure that they are adequately protected and that their legal rights are not compromised.